Lots of wellness support products, including the PI-MAG water system, which filters 90% of the contaminants out of the water while adding to it the trace minerals our body needs, just like the natural clean water that is found in nature.
Nikken - Discover it. Live it.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
I found someone who was able to extract this solo from his annual concert held last May 24th, 2009. My grandson, VINCENT DELORME, was 15 when he performed.
I hope you all enjoy it, and feel free to inscribe a comment, and subscribe to his YouTube channel under the name of zito22zito22 in order to enjoy his future performances that he intends to post on YouTube for all to enjoy.
I hope you all enjoy it, and feel free to inscribe a comment, and subscribe to his YouTube channel under the name of zito22zito22 in order to enjoy his future performances that he intends to post on YouTube for all to enjoy.
I urge you all to purchase this book by Carol Simontacchi, C.C.N., M.S. which includes delicious, easy gourmet recipes by Chef Margaret West. It states among many things that you will find a healthful alternative to conventional diets. You will soon be on your way to creating your own program of weight maintenance and healthful living, one that will benefit you forever.
Why I recommend this book is because this certified clinical nutritionist and the author of a number of books on nutrition, has exactly the same approach to eating that Jorge Cruise has, except that she explains the scientific side of it, which is what many of you fellow BFC Ambassadors need to figure out.
Jorge has come up with a combination of a 15/6. While Carol Simontacchi states that we have to balance our intake of protein, carbs and fats, and she helps us calculate this for ourselves, as follows:
Proteins produces amino acids, some simple and others complex which pass through the intestinal lining into the bloodstream where they are used to reconfigure over 300,000 different protein molecules.
To give you an idea of the range of functions these proteins perform, consider this short list of protein bodies: immune cells; nerve tissue; muscle tissue; visceral tissue such as the stomach, liver pancreas, esophagus, enzymes; hormones; neurotransmitters; and iron-binding molecules. The list is much longer, but just keep in mind that every functioning structure in the body is made up of protein, along with cofactors of minerals and vitamins.
It is easy to see how important it is to get enough protein in the diet, but beyond total protein consumption, how critically important that we receive all eight to ten essential amino acids daily. If even one amino acid is in short supply, some structure will not be synthesized, some function will not be performed Over time, poor health will result.
How much protein do you need? The average woman requires about 45 to 75 grams of protein a day just to build these 300,000 body structures. The average man requires from 55 to 85 grams of protein a day for the same reason. Many nutritionists use this simple formula to determine a person's individual need for protein:
to help you fine-tune your own body's requirements) To this the author adds ''I encourage you to listen to your body. Eat SLOWLY just until you are satisfied, then STOP! You'll be amazed how easily your body communicates how much food it needs for your optimum health and vitality.''
There are other factors that might require you to add more protein to your diet, like periods of physical or emotional stress, which could cause negative nitrogen balance, whereby your body is using or burning more protein than is being replaced. If negative nitrogen balance continues for a long period of time, eventually the body starts breaking down muscle and other lean tissue to provide for other more critical needs like hormones, enzymes, and neurotransmitters. Depending on your stress, activity or metabolism levels, you might have to add from 5 to 10 grams more protein to your diet. Again, listen to your body to figure this out.
Carbohydrates can so easily increase insulin secretion, which packs on additional pounds of fat weight. However, they are an essential part of the diet. As long as you enjoy them in balance with protein and fats, they will do just the job they were originally intended to do - provide energy to the body.
Carbohydrates, or sugars, are the fuels your body burns in each of its three trillion-plus cells to provide energy. The brain ''runs'' on carbs (or sugars). Carbs are the quickest, most readily available source of energy, and when carbohydrates are no longer available, the body burns fat, then protein. If carbs are underprovided, the body is often forced to cannibalize lean body tissue to provide fuel. So it's important to eat enough carbohydrtes to satisfy the body's energy requirement each day.
Select carbs that are low on the glycemic index and avoid foods that precipitously increase blood sugar. You would do well to virtually elilminate all starch foods, such as potatoes, yams, carrots, corn, grain products, and rice that so easily increase blood sugar. Feel free to indulge in as many ''greens'' as you wish. Green foods are free foods!
For 55 grams of protein, your body requirs 71.5 grams of carbs
For 65 grams of protein, your body requires 84.5 grams of carbs
For 75 grams of protein, your body requires 97,5 grams of carbs
For 85 grams of protein, your body requires 110,5 grams of carbs
For 95 grams of protein, your body requires 123,5 grams of carbs
Most animal-based protein (seafood, poultry, veal, lamb, beef) contain 9 grams of protein per ounce. If you require 65 grams of protein per day, plan to use about 7-1/2 ounces of seafood, poultry, or other protein per day, divided between breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Another way to measure protein you will need for each meal is to use the palm of your hand. Plan to eat a protein portion about the size of the palm of your hand. Carbohydrates can fill up the rest of the plate, as long as you are not using any starchy vegetables, sweetened beverages, or fruit.
She states: ''Remember this simple rule: You must include a protein portion with each meal if you wish to slow down the entry of sugars into your bloodstream and encourage your pancreas to secrete glucagon instead of insulin. Insulin = Fat! No more high-carb meals or snacks!
It's no accident that nature distributed fat abundantly throughout the food chain. Fat is an extremely beneficial food. For example, fat is used to build hormones, some of which regulate blood pressure, heart rate, vascular dilation, blood clotting, immune response, and the central nervous system. Fat makes up a substantial part of the cell membrane of over three trillion cells, making the cell wall permeable so that nutrients can get into the cell and waste materials can be excreted from the cell, and rigid so that the shape holds firm against the pressure of the surrounding environment. Along with protein, fat acts as a receptor on the cell wall to invite nutrients and hormones into the cell.
Fat keeps the skin soft and supple and helps to avoid premature wrinkling of the skin. Fat is an excellent energy source, particularly for the heart. And fat keeps the metabolism running fast! We need fats in our diets. The problem comes when we eat far too much of the wrong types of fats.
An important rule of thumb I personally follow is that I never eat anything that has been put together in a chemist's lab, including new food artifacts like the ''fat substitue'' Olestra. these substances are toxic. they do not build the type of long-term, vibrant health I want for my body. They do not perform all those important functions listed above, and they taste bad!
The types of fats you want to include in your diet are the raw, unprocessed vegetable oils like extra-virgin olive oil, avocado oil, and the oils from nuts and seeds. You need to include the fats found in fatty fish like mackerel, salmon, and halibut. These oils are extremely beneficaial in protecting the heart and nourishing the nervous system. I encourage all my clients to include at least two to four tablespoons of raw oils in their diets each day by making salad dressings from olive oil, by using flaxseed oil in their morning protein drink, and by eating vegetables that are rich in essential fats (avocados and nuts and seeds, such as sesame, almond, and other nut products). Flaxseed oil is a nutritious oil from flax that can be purchased from your local health food store. Be sure to keep it refrigerated. It oxidizes rapidly if not preserved carefully.
Don't worry too much about the fat content of the diet. If you are eating whole, natural foods, the fat will balance itself out without your help. Just rstrict yourself to the healthy fats described above. Potato chips, ice cream, and deep-fried chicken must not be included!
Step-by-step weight loss principals:
1. Include a good source of protein with EVERY meal;
Choose from fish, chicken, turkey, moderate amounts of beef, tofu and eggs.
Beef can be pro-inflammatory, and should be limited to once every 2 weeks or so.
2. Eat a large portion of greens with both lunch and dinner;
3. Strictly limit foods that are high in carbs;
Limit foods like rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, and most of all, grains. Especially be
careful to avoid all bread and pasta products. I know of no surer way to start dropping
excess weight than by eliminating all wheat products from your diet!
With every meal include a protein portion along with benefical fats to further slow the
release of sugars into the bloodstream.
4. Exercise moderately every day. Check first with your physician if you have more than 25
lbs. to lose or have a physical condition that requires monitoring by a professional. Even
if your condition is compromised by overweight or another health challenge, your doctor
will be able to put together a program that is right for you.
5. Drink water!
Your body is 65% water. Every enzymatic reaction that occurs in the body requires water.
Without it, life ceases. Maintaining that 65% water content is so important that even if your
body drops just 1% fluid level, dehydration sets in, and if the body becomes just 5%
dehydrated, serious health consequences follow. You must drink water! By the time you
feel thirsty, you're already 1% dehydrated. You need to drink 8 to 10 8 oz. glasses of water
a day just to hydrate the tissues and eliminate toxic waste.
6. Avoid all nonfoods.
Nonfoods are all carbonated beverages, all canned foods, and all processed foods. Nonfoods
include highly allergenic foods like dairy and wheat products, corn and corn-based products
like fructose, coffee, tea, and anything with artificial flavors or preservatives. Nonfoods are
rancid oils like margarine, shortening, and any food made with these unhealthy fats.
Nonfoods include such common supermarket items as potato chips, corn chips, cookies,
pastries, bagels, simulated fruit beverages, or anything that comes in a box, a can, or a
Once you discover the secret of balancing your body's glucagon and insulin output by balancing what goes into your mouth, you won't want to eat any other way!
1. Never eat anything that comes with instructions.
2. Never eat anything that comes in a box, a can, or a wrapper.
3. Never eat anything white. (Potatoes are brown; rice is beige, cauliflower is cream colored,
and ice cream is nasty!).
4. Never eat anything you can't spell or pronounce.
5. Never eat anything you just can't live without (you're probably allergic to it).
Like Jorge, Carol states ''If you are going to lose weight and keep it off, you're going to have to turn your back on the Amercian food culture and learn to eat your ANCESTRAL diet. Your grandpartens enjoyed moderate amounts of protein foods, small amounts of seasonal fruits, and lots of vegetbles washed down with clean water. They ate what was in season at the time, freshly harvested. Some foods, like winter squash, potatoes, carrots, and a few other fruits and vegetables that could be stored in a cellar were saved for the winter; everything else was eaten as soon as it was picked from the field or the garden.
This is the type of diet your body was designed to eat, and it will bring your waistline back under control. It may not be the most entertaining diet. It may not excite the interest of the chic crowd. It may not catch the attention of the media. But trust me, it is the diet your body was meant to eat, and your body will reward you by dropping those excess pounds and adding years of vital health to your life.''
Those of you who want to know the science behind the BFC program, well buy Carol Simontacchi's book YOUR FAT IS NOT YOUR FAULT, and empower yourselves even more, because you will have done your own research. Or have your local library order it for you.
Happy Thanksgiving Weekend to my American Friends!
Jane Skreslet
Why I recommend this book is because this certified clinical nutritionist and the author of a number of books on nutrition, has exactly the same approach to eating that Jorge Cruise has, except that she explains the scientific side of it, which is what many of you fellow BFC Ambassadors need to figure out.
Jorge has come up with a combination of a 15/6. While Carol Simontacchi states that we have to balance our intake of protein, carbs and fats, and she helps us calculate this for ourselves, as follows:
Proteins produces amino acids, some simple and others complex which pass through the intestinal lining into the bloodstream where they are used to reconfigure over 300,000 different protein molecules.
To give you an idea of the range of functions these proteins perform, consider this short list of protein bodies: immune cells; nerve tissue; muscle tissue; visceral tissue such as the stomach, liver pancreas, esophagus, enzymes; hormones; neurotransmitters; and iron-binding molecules. The list is much longer, but just keep in mind that every functioning structure in the body is made up of protein, along with cofactors of minerals and vitamins.
It is easy to see how important it is to get enough protein in the diet, but beyond total protein consumption, how critically important that we receive all eight to ten essential amino acids daily. If even one amino acid is in short supply, some structure will not be synthesized, some function will not be performed Over time, poor health will result.
How much protein do you need? The average woman requires about 45 to 75 grams of protein a day just to build these 300,000 body structures. The average man requires from 55 to 85 grams of protein a day for the same reason. Many nutritionists use this simple formula to determine a person's individual need for protein:
to help you fine-tune your own body's requirements) To this the author adds ''I encourage you to listen to your body. Eat SLOWLY just until you are satisfied, then STOP! You'll be amazed how easily your body communicates how much food it needs for your optimum health and vitality.''
There are other factors that might require you to add more protein to your diet, like periods of physical or emotional stress, which could cause negative nitrogen balance, whereby your body is using or burning more protein than is being replaced. If negative nitrogen balance continues for a long period of time, eventually the body starts breaking down muscle and other lean tissue to provide for other more critical needs like hormones, enzymes, and neurotransmitters. Depending on your stress, activity or metabolism levels, you might have to add from 5 to 10 grams more protein to your diet. Again, listen to your body to figure this out.
Carbohydrates can so easily increase insulin secretion, which packs on additional pounds of fat weight. However, they are an essential part of the diet. As long as you enjoy them in balance with protein and fats, they will do just the job they were originally intended to do - provide energy to the body.
Carbohydrates, or sugars, are the fuels your body burns in each of its three trillion-plus cells to provide energy. The brain ''runs'' on carbs (or sugars). Carbs are the quickest, most readily available source of energy, and when carbohydrates are no longer available, the body burns fat, then protein. If carbs are underprovided, the body is often forced to cannibalize lean body tissue to provide fuel. So it's important to eat enough carbohydrtes to satisfy the body's energy requirement each day.
Select carbs that are low on the glycemic index and avoid foods that precipitously increase blood sugar. You would do well to virtually elilminate all starch foods, such as potatoes, yams, carrots, corn, grain products, and rice that so easily increase blood sugar. Feel free to indulge in as many ''greens'' as you wish. Green foods are free foods!
For 55 grams of protein, your body requirs 71.5 grams of carbs
For 65 grams of protein, your body requires 84.5 grams of carbs
For 75 grams of protein, your body requires 97,5 grams of carbs
For 85 grams of protein, your body requires 110,5 grams of carbs
For 95 grams of protein, your body requires 123,5 grams of carbs
Most animal-based protein (seafood, poultry, veal, lamb, beef) contain 9 grams of protein per ounce. If you require 65 grams of protein per day, plan to use about 7-1/2 ounces of seafood, poultry, or other protein per day, divided between breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Another way to measure protein you will need for each meal is to use the palm of your hand. Plan to eat a protein portion about the size of the palm of your hand. Carbohydrates can fill up the rest of the plate, as long as you are not using any starchy vegetables, sweetened beverages, or fruit.
She states: ''Remember this simple rule: You must include a protein portion with each meal if you wish to slow down the entry of sugars into your bloodstream and encourage your pancreas to secrete glucagon instead of insulin. Insulin = Fat! No more high-carb meals or snacks!
It's no accident that nature distributed fat abundantly throughout the food chain. Fat is an extremely beneficial food. For example, fat is used to build hormones, some of which regulate blood pressure, heart rate, vascular dilation, blood clotting, immune response, and the central nervous system. Fat makes up a substantial part of the cell membrane of over three trillion cells, making the cell wall permeable so that nutrients can get into the cell and waste materials can be excreted from the cell, and rigid so that the shape holds firm against the pressure of the surrounding environment. Along with protein, fat acts as a receptor on the cell wall to invite nutrients and hormones into the cell.
Fat keeps the skin soft and supple and helps to avoid premature wrinkling of the skin. Fat is an excellent energy source, particularly for the heart. And fat keeps the metabolism running fast! We need fats in our diets. The problem comes when we eat far too much of the wrong types of fats.
An important rule of thumb I personally follow is that I never eat anything that has been put together in a chemist's lab, including new food artifacts like the ''fat substitue'' Olestra. these substances are toxic. they do not build the type of long-term, vibrant health I want for my body. They do not perform all those important functions listed above, and they taste bad!
The types of fats you want to include in your diet are the raw, unprocessed vegetable oils like extra-virgin olive oil, avocado oil, and the oils from nuts and seeds. You need to include the fats found in fatty fish like mackerel, salmon, and halibut. These oils are extremely beneficaial in protecting the heart and nourishing the nervous system. I encourage all my clients to include at least two to four tablespoons of raw oils in their diets each day by making salad dressings from olive oil, by using flaxseed oil in their morning protein drink, and by eating vegetables that are rich in essential fats (avocados and nuts and seeds, such as sesame, almond, and other nut products). Flaxseed oil is a nutritious oil from flax that can be purchased from your local health food store. Be sure to keep it refrigerated. It oxidizes rapidly if not preserved carefully.
Don't worry too much about the fat content of the diet. If you are eating whole, natural foods, the fat will balance itself out without your help. Just rstrict yourself to the healthy fats described above. Potato chips, ice cream, and deep-fried chicken must not be included!
Step-by-step weight loss principals:
1. Include a good source of protein with EVERY meal;
Choose from fish, chicken, turkey, moderate amounts of beef, tofu and eggs.
Beef can be pro-inflammatory, and should be limited to once every 2 weeks or so.
2. Eat a large portion of greens with both lunch and dinner;
3. Strictly limit foods that are high in carbs;
Limit foods like rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, and most of all, grains. Especially be
careful to avoid all bread and pasta products. I know of no surer way to start dropping
excess weight than by eliminating all wheat products from your diet!
With every meal include a protein portion along with benefical fats to further slow the
release of sugars into the bloodstream.
4. Exercise moderately every day. Check first with your physician if you have more than 25
lbs. to lose or have a physical condition that requires monitoring by a professional. Even
if your condition is compromised by overweight or another health challenge, your doctor
will be able to put together a program that is right for you.
5. Drink water!
Your body is 65% water. Every enzymatic reaction that occurs in the body requires water.
Without it, life ceases. Maintaining that 65% water content is so important that even if your
body drops just 1% fluid level, dehydration sets in, and if the body becomes just 5%
dehydrated, serious health consequences follow. You must drink water! By the time you
feel thirsty, you're already 1% dehydrated. You need to drink 8 to 10 8 oz. glasses of water
a day just to hydrate the tissues and eliminate toxic waste.
6. Avoid all nonfoods.
Nonfoods are all carbonated beverages, all canned foods, and all processed foods. Nonfoods
include highly allergenic foods like dairy and wheat products, corn and corn-based products
like fructose, coffee, tea, and anything with artificial flavors or preservatives. Nonfoods are
rancid oils like margarine, shortening, and any food made with these unhealthy fats.
Nonfoods include such common supermarket items as potato chips, corn chips, cookies,
pastries, bagels, simulated fruit beverages, or anything that comes in a box, a can, or a
Once you discover the secret of balancing your body's glucagon and insulin output by balancing what goes into your mouth, you won't want to eat any other way!
1. Never eat anything that comes with instructions.
2. Never eat anything that comes in a box, a can, or a wrapper.
3. Never eat anything white. (Potatoes are brown; rice is beige, cauliflower is cream colored,
and ice cream is nasty!).
4. Never eat anything you can't spell or pronounce.
5. Never eat anything you just can't live without (you're probably allergic to it).
Like Jorge, Carol states ''If you are going to lose weight and keep it off, you're going to have to turn your back on the Amercian food culture and learn to eat your ANCESTRAL diet. Your grandpartens enjoyed moderate amounts of protein foods, small amounts of seasonal fruits, and lots of vegetbles washed down with clean water. They ate what was in season at the time, freshly harvested. Some foods, like winter squash, potatoes, carrots, and a few other fruits and vegetables that could be stored in a cellar were saved for the winter; everything else was eaten as soon as it was picked from the field or the garden.
This is the type of diet your body was designed to eat, and it will bring your waistline back under control. It may not be the most entertaining diet. It may not excite the interest of the chic crowd. It may not catch the attention of the media. But trust me, it is the diet your body was meant to eat, and your body will reward you by dropping those excess pounds and adding years of vital health to your life.''
Those of you who want to know the science behind the BFC program, well buy Carol Simontacchi's book YOUR FAT IS NOT YOUR FAULT, and empower yourselves even more, because you will have done your own research. Or have your local library order it for you.
Happy Thanksgiving Weekend to my American Friends!
Jane Skreslet
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Chia, as an ingredient, is a dieter's dream food. There are limitless ways to incorporate the Chia seed into your diet. Chia must be prepared with pure water before using in recipes. The seed will absorb 9 times its weight in water in less than 10 minutes and is very simple to prepare.
Food Extender/Calorie Displacer: The optimum ratio of water to seed, for most recipes, is 9 part water to 1 part seed. One pound of seed will make 10 pounds of Chia gel. This is the most unique structural quality of the Chia seed. The seed's water absorbing saturated cells hold the water, so when it is mixed with foods, it displaces calories and fat without diluting flavor. In fact, because Chia gel displaces rather than dilutes, it creates more surface area and can actually enhance the flavor rather than dilute it. Chia gel also works as a fat replacement for many recipes.
Making Chia Gel (9 to 1 ratio):
Put water in a seal able plastic container and slowly pour seed into water while briskly mixing with a wire risk. This process will avoid any clumping of seed.
Wait a couple of minutes, whisk again and let stand for 5 to 10 minutes.
Whisk again before using or storing in refrigerator (gel will keep up to 2 weeks).
You can add this mix to jams, jellies, hot or cold cereals, yogurts, mustard, ketchup, tartar sauce, BBQ sauce, etc.
Add the gel, between 50% to 75% by volume, to any of the non-bake mentioned foods, mix well and taste.
You will notice a very smooth texture with the integrity of the flavour intact.
In addition to adding up to 50% to 75% more volume to the foods used, you have displaced calories and fat by incorporating an ingredient that is 90% water.
Use as a fat replacement (the oil in Chia seeds is a good source of Omega 3 and Omega 6), for energy and endurance, or for added great taste, by substituting the oil in your breads with Chia gel.
Top your favorite bread dough before baking with Chia gel for added shelf life.
For topping on baked goods, breads, cookies, pie crust, etc., reduce the water ratio to 8 parts water to 1 part Chia seed.
Chia seed, having a qualitatively unique situational richness along with a profound nutritive profile is one of man's most useful and beneficial foods and is destined to be the Ancient Food of the Future.
This was found on the following link, which you could log on to for more information:
Food Extender/Calorie Displacer: The optimum ratio of water to seed, for most recipes, is 9 part water to 1 part seed. One pound of seed will make 10 pounds of Chia gel. This is the most unique structural quality of the Chia seed. The seed's water absorbing saturated cells hold the water, so when it is mixed with foods, it displaces calories and fat without diluting flavor. In fact, because Chia gel displaces rather than dilutes, it creates more surface area and can actually enhance the flavor rather than dilute it. Chia gel also works as a fat replacement for many recipes.
Making Chia Gel (9 to 1 ratio):
Put water in a seal able plastic container and slowly pour seed into water while briskly mixing with a wire risk. This process will avoid any clumping of seed.
Wait a couple of minutes, whisk again and let stand for 5 to 10 minutes.
Whisk again before using or storing in refrigerator (gel will keep up to 2 weeks).
You can add this mix to jams, jellies, hot or cold cereals, yogurts, mustard, ketchup, tartar sauce, BBQ sauce, etc.
Add the gel, between 50% to 75% by volume, to any of the non-bake mentioned foods, mix well and taste.
You will notice a very smooth texture with the integrity of the flavour intact.
In addition to adding up to 50% to 75% more volume to the foods used, you have displaced calories and fat by incorporating an ingredient that is 90% water.
Use as a fat replacement (the oil in Chia seeds is a good source of Omega 3 and Omega 6), for energy and endurance, or for added great taste, by substituting the oil in your breads with Chia gel.
Top your favorite bread dough before baking with Chia gel for added shelf life.
For topping on baked goods, breads, cookies, pie crust, etc., reduce the water ratio to 8 parts water to 1 part Chia seed.
Chia seed, having a qualitatively unique situational richness along with a profound nutritive profile is one of man's most useful and beneficial foods and is destined to be the Ancient Food of the Future.
This was found on the following link, which you could log on to for more information:
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I was introduced to Isagenix one year ago by my friend Gilles, who is a healthy 50 year old who has the physical stamina of a 30 year old, or even younger. He doesn't have issues with food, since he does not live to eat, but eats to live.
It's not really his fault. He was raised by a mother who made sure that her children ate healthy foods, which did not include sugar. His three sisters, also share the same philosophy on food, and are all very healthy and vibrant. Besides that, they have great genetics on both sides, since many family members live to over 100. The family was introduced to the Isagenix line of nutritional products through one of the sisters, who swore by them. Pretty soon the whole family including aunts, uncles and cousins were consuming the products.
Gilles, being in such great form, I decided to follow suit, and started with the cleanse program, which included Ionix Supreme, a potent mixture of botanicals from as far away as the Himalayas, very high in complex B vitamins, that I soon became ''addicted'' to, because it calmed me down. You can choose to take it in the morning for stimulation or at night before bed for relaxation. The complex B vitamins nourish the nervous system.
In the '70's John Anderson, the founder and product formulator, made extensive plant tissue studies in organic soil, at which time he discovered ionic minerals. In the 1980's he translated his knowledge to the nutritional field and worked for more than 600 private label manufacturers including GNC, Nature's Sunshine, MetRX, and produced over 2300 products over his career.
In 1997 he was bitten by a brown recluse spider, which required nine surgeries and one month's hospitalization. The toxins became systemic by entering into his bloodstream and circulating through his organs damaging his kidneys and eyesight.
He travelled to India, Nepal and other places looking for plants with certain properties. He found Shilajit in Nepal. He was specifically looking for the raw materials in India and Nepal to help his eyesight and eliminate the toxins in his organs. He was already retired and just wanted to heal himself, and share his findings with his friends and family. Little did he know....
Is there a silver bullet in these products - one raw material that would sweep the country? No, the silver bullet does not exist in one ingredient but in the system of ingredients. You have to cleanse the toxins out and restore micro nutrients to the body. The ''bullet'' is in more than 200 ingredients.
90 - 95% of body functions are dependent on minerals and rare earth elements. Only 5 - 10% of the body is dependent on vitamins. These minerals and rare earth elements were abundant 50 - 100 years ago, but are not today.
As someone in the health industry, John knows how difficult it is for us to nourish ourselves properly, confusing health and nutrition. His goal was to create great products without compromise. His plan was to put together a few really good raw materials to get rid of unwanted toxins, boost the immune system, and put the body back in a state where it can function the way it's supposed to. He wanted the body to be in a place where it is regaining health. We breathe toxic air, drink toxic water, and eat toxic food. The body is healing itself because it's given the ability to cleanse itself and put its function back in the right place.
Since joining the BFC program, I have become more aware of my health, and have decided to take care of it, by cleansing and consuming the vitamins and minerals my body needs. In the field of nutrition, I believe that the Isagenix products are top of the line, and I wanted to share my finding with you. You can find out more information about this by logging onto this website: http://janeskreslet.isagenix.com/.
Maybe you know someone who already uses their product line. You can find their line of nutritional products on the calorie counter web site.
It's not really his fault. He was raised by a mother who made sure that her children ate healthy foods, which did not include sugar. His three sisters, also share the same philosophy on food, and are all very healthy and vibrant. Besides that, they have great genetics on both sides, since many family members live to over 100. The family was introduced to the Isagenix line of nutritional products through one of the sisters, who swore by them. Pretty soon the whole family including aunts, uncles and cousins were consuming the products.
Gilles, being in such great form, I decided to follow suit, and started with the cleanse program, which included Ionix Supreme, a potent mixture of botanicals from as far away as the Himalayas, very high in complex B vitamins, that I soon became ''addicted'' to, because it calmed me down. You can choose to take it in the morning for stimulation or at night before bed for relaxation. The complex B vitamins nourish the nervous system.
In the '70's John Anderson, the founder and product formulator, made extensive plant tissue studies in organic soil, at which time he discovered ionic minerals. In the 1980's he translated his knowledge to the nutritional field and worked for more than 600 private label manufacturers including GNC, Nature's Sunshine, MetRX, and produced over 2300 products over his career.
In 1997 he was bitten by a brown recluse spider, which required nine surgeries and one month's hospitalization. The toxins became systemic by entering into his bloodstream and circulating through his organs damaging his kidneys and eyesight.
He travelled to India, Nepal and other places looking for plants with certain properties. He found Shilajit in Nepal. He was specifically looking for the raw materials in India and Nepal to help his eyesight and eliminate the toxins in his organs. He was already retired and just wanted to heal himself, and share his findings with his friends and family. Little did he know....
Is there a silver bullet in these products - one raw material that would sweep the country? No, the silver bullet does not exist in one ingredient but in the system of ingredients. You have to cleanse the toxins out and restore micro nutrients to the body. The ''bullet'' is in more than 200 ingredients.
90 - 95% of body functions are dependent on minerals and rare earth elements. Only 5 - 10% of the body is dependent on vitamins. These minerals and rare earth elements were abundant 50 - 100 years ago, but are not today.
As someone in the health industry, John knows how difficult it is for us to nourish ourselves properly, confusing health and nutrition. His goal was to create great products without compromise. His plan was to put together a few really good raw materials to get rid of unwanted toxins, boost the immune system, and put the body back in a state where it can function the way it's supposed to. He wanted the body to be in a place where it is regaining health. We breathe toxic air, drink toxic water, and eat toxic food. The body is healing itself because it's given the ability to cleanse itself and put its function back in the right place.
Since joining the BFC program, I have become more aware of my health, and have decided to take care of it, by cleansing and consuming the vitamins and minerals my body needs. In the field of nutrition, I believe that the Isagenix products are top of the line, and I wanted to share my finding with you. You can find out more information about this by logging onto this website: http://janeskreslet.isagenix.com/.
Maybe you know someone who already uses their product line. You can find their line of nutritional products on the calorie counter web site.
Friday, November 13, 2009
I have become obsessed with measuring my waist, which is visibly getting smaller. I can now tweak my measuring tape to 35-1/2'', which is so encouraging. I can see myself at Xmas wearing the beautiful clothes in my closet that I could NEVER wear before. Jorge's program is the simplest thing in the world to follow, and sooooo delicious to. I have become more conscious of my eating habits, made easier with the help of food labels as well as websites like, http://caloriecounter.about.com/
I've been reading about the intestinal problems people are having with the sugar substitutes. When I purchased my Stevia and Xylotol at the Natural Food Store, the nutritional specialist who served me, said that these products do not pass through the pancreas, but go directly to the intestines. I was very happy to learn this, but when I started reading all your problems with malatol, and the ice cream, I then understood that effectively these sugars do go through the intestines. I don't know if the body ever gets used to them, and I don't know that I would serve deserts made with them to my guests. I haven't even started using the products purchased three weeks ago.
For those of you who love to weigh yourselves, my friend Gilles has a great scale. It is made by Tanita, and provides more information than just your weight. He tested it on his family members who confirmed that the information was exactly like the one they got at the hospital. It gives what they call ''Body Compositions Readings'' comprising of: weight, body fat %, body water %, muscle mass, physique rating, bone mass, DCI/BM, metabolic age, and visceral fat. When I weighed myself last year with it, my weight was 192,2 lbs, I had 44,7% body fat, 39,3% water, 100,8 muscle mass, physical rating of 2, 5,4 lbs of bone mass, DCI/BMR of 1485, metabolic age of 50 (I was 61), and visceral fat of 11 (healthy level being: 1 - 12). According to the chart that you can get on their website http://www.tanita.com/data/File/Charts/bodyComp_chart_eng.PDF , with a 5.4 lbs. bone mass, my ideal weight is in the 110lb - 165 lb. range. I learned that my water was not in the healthy range of 45-60 %, ant that my ideal body fat % range (for my age group) should be situated in the 25 - 35% range. The physique rating reading gives you a view of your body, proportionally muscle versus fat. I was classified in the obese between slightly obese and morbidly obese. That was an eye opener for me. I was a very skinny child/young person till about in my mid-forties, so I have trouble seeing myself as obese. It's a lot like obese people who have lost a lot weight who still see themselves as obese, even though they are slim. This chart is available on their website in several languages that you can print out. If you want to get yourselves a nice present for Xmas, this would be a good one.
I've been reading about the intestinal problems people are having with the sugar substitutes. When I purchased my Stevia and Xylotol at the Natural Food Store, the nutritional specialist who served me, said that these products do not pass through the pancreas, but go directly to the intestines. I was very happy to learn this, but when I started reading all your problems with malatol, and the ice cream, I then understood that effectively these sugars do go through the intestines. I don't know if the body ever gets used to them, and I don't know that I would serve deserts made with them to my guests. I haven't even started using the products purchased three weeks ago.
For those of you who love to weigh yourselves, my friend Gilles has a great scale. It is made by Tanita, and provides more information than just your weight. He tested it on his family members who confirmed that the information was exactly like the one they got at the hospital. It gives what they call ''Body Compositions Readings'' comprising of: weight, body fat %, body water %, muscle mass, physique rating, bone mass, DCI/BM, metabolic age, and visceral fat. When I weighed myself last year with it, my weight was 192,2 lbs, I had 44,7% body fat, 39,3% water, 100,8 muscle mass, physical rating of 2, 5,4 lbs of bone mass, DCI/BMR of 1485, metabolic age of 50 (I was 61), and visceral fat of 11 (healthy level being: 1 - 12). According to the chart that you can get on their website http://www.tanita.com/data/File/Charts/bodyComp_chart_eng.PDF , with a 5.4 lbs. bone mass, my ideal weight is in the 110lb - 165 lb. range. I learned that my water was not in the healthy range of 45-60 %, ant that my ideal body fat % range (for my age group) should be situated in the 25 - 35% range. The physique rating reading gives you a view of your body, proportionally muscle versus fat. I was classified in the obese between slightly obese and morbidly obese. That was an eye opener for me. I was a very skinny child/young person till about in my mid-forties, so I have trouble seeing myself as obese. It's a lot like obese people who have lost a lot weight who still see themselves as obese, even though they are slim. This chart is available on their website in several languages that you can print out. If you want to get yourselves a nice present for Xmas, this would be a good one.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Yesterday I took advantage of a lift to go to Montreal. I was on a mission. Distribute DVD copies of my grandson's (Vincent Delorme) solo at his annual concert. After 10 years studying under the same music teacher, this was his last concert. He was the star, and he was magnificent.
It is a long drive, and Mr. Boulanger has a lot of motivational CD's from the best of the best. Instead of listening to the radio, we listened to Eben Pagan's interview with Jorge Cruise, which was done a week before the Belly Fat Cure Coaching Program that I joined. This interview is in a series of Eben's The Altitude Monthly Mentor series. For those interested, you can go to the Altitude web site, via www.GetAltitude.com . We also purchased Anthony Robbins ''The New Money Masters'' series. I say this because Anthony Robbins was Jorge Cruise's mentor. These are ordinary people who all became gurus in their fields. They are wonderful people who are trying to make the world a better place for everyone by sharing their recipe for success.
Jorge generously provided a lot of information about his path to success. He talked about the Belly Fat Cure program that he worked on for 3 years with Dr. Oz. His passion for health became his ''vocation/vacation''. Based on Oprah Winfrey's advice, before he published his first book, ''to keep things simple'', he has come up with simple methods to become healthy and energized (He has sold over 5 million books in 14 languages during the past 10 years). His second passion being Marketing, he surveyed his customer base to find out what concerned them the most. The result was that people were concerned with their weight and, more specifically, 80% were concerned with their belly fat. The idea of the Belly Fat Cure was born, and eventually he came up with a new term he called the Carb Swap System .
Anthony Robbins taught him that the most important tool in business, without which you cannot attain your goals, is health. If you want to be ultimate edge, you need your health. Health is freedom , healthy is power, more than money. Being the richest man in the graveyard will not get you anywhere.
Jorge's research has shown that sugar management is the key to our health. He talked about his upcoming launch being The Belly Fat Cure Coaching Program via the Internet. He did a previous program with 100 Costco readers, who are pictured in the book, and which he stated will not be done again. He stated that he wanted to do a second group before the book comes out. He mentioned that his goal this time is to create a strong group of people who will know the program and become ambassadors of health for him. Be the folks who understand this and be the folks that Oprah or Dr. Oz could go talk to and interview, be examples of success out there. The first group didn't have the book. He put together a curriculum of 10 weeks for us, stating that the system is easy, and based on repetition. Repetition is the mother of skill. For 10 weeks we will repeat a simple system, a one step system that will apply to all aspects of life (managing our sugar and our carbs). He said that once the program is over, he will be busy launching his book. If there is another Coaching Program, it won't happen until five years from now.
We who are in this program are Jorge's chosen ones. We cannot let him down. He has provided us with so many tools to ensure our success. All we have to do is monitor our sugar and carb consumption. You, who are in the program with me, are presented with a great opportunity, and I hope this information will motivate you to be successful. As an ambassader of the Belly Fat Cure Coaching Program, YOU CANNOT FAIL!!!!!
It is a long drive, and Mr. Boulanger has a lot of motivational CD's from the best of the best. Instead of listening to the radio, we listened to Eben Pagan's interview with Jorge Cruise, which was done a week before the Belly Fat Cure Coaching Program that I joined. This interview is in a series of Eben's The Altitude Monthly Mentor series. For those interested, you can go to the Altitude web site, via www.GetAltitude.com . We also purchased Anthony Robbins ''The New Money Masters'' series. I say this because Anthony Robbins was Jorge Cruise's mentor. These are ordinary people who all became gurus in their fields. They are wonderful people who are trying to make the world a better place for everyone by sharing their recipe for success.
Jorge generously provided a lot of information about his path to success. He talked about the Belly Fat Cure program that he worked on for 3 years with Dr. Oz. His passion for health became his ''vocation/vacation''. Based on Oprah Winfrey's advice, before he published his first book, ''to keep things simple'', he has come up with simple methods to become healthy and energized (He has sold over 5 million books in 14 languages during the past 10 years). His second passion being Marketing, he surveyed his customer base to find out what concerned them the most. The result was that people were concerned with their weight and, more specifically, 80% were concerned with their belly fat. The idea of the Belly Fat Cure was born, and eventually he came up with a new term he called the Carb Swap System .
Anthony Robbins taught him that the most important tool in business, without which you cannot attain your goals, is health. If you want to be ultimate edge, you need your health. Health is freedom , healthy is power, more than money. Being the richest man in the graveyard will not get you anywhere.
Jorge's research has shown that sugar management is the key to our health. He talked about his upcoming launch being The Belly Fat Cure Coaching Program via the Internet. He did a previous program with 100 Costco readers, who are pictured in the book, and which he stated will not be done again. He stated that he wanted to do a second group before the book comes out. He mentioned that his goal this time is to create a strong group of people who will know the program and become ambassadors of health for him. Be the folks who understand this and be the folks that Oprah or Dr. Oz could go talk to and interview, be examples of success out there. The first group didn't have the book. He put together a curriculum of 10 weeks for us, stating that the system is easy, and based on repetition. Repetition is the mother of skill. For 10 weeks we will repeat a simple system, a one step system that will apply to all aspects of life (managing our sugar and our carbs). He said that once the program is over, he will be busy launching his book. If there is another Coaching Program, it won't happen until five years from now.
We who are in this program are Jorge's chosen ones. We cannot let him down. He has provided us with so many tools to ensure our success. All we have to do is monitor our sugar and carb consumption. You, who are in the program with me, are presented with a great opportunity, and I hope this information will motivate you to be successful. As an ambassader of the Belly Fat Cure Coaching Program, YOU CANNOT FAIL!!!!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
I'm so excited, this is my first blog, thanks to Jorge Cruise and the Belly Fat Cure Coaching Program.
Besides losing weight, and feeling great I'm becoming Internet-savvy. I'm very lucky to have my friend GILLES BOULANGER, sitting next to me guiding me through this blog.
I started the Belly Fat Cure program on October 26th, and have lost 2 inches so far. I'm also feeling less pain in the knees. The best news for me however is that my blood pressure seems to have improved. I hadn't taken it for a while, and had a great reading of 121/72 today.
I attribute this to having cut on the quantity of sugar I was eating, and am amazed at how this must have affected my health.
Bye for now.
Besides losing weight, and feeling great I'm becoming Internet-savvy. I'm very lucky to have my friend GILLES BOULANGER, sitting next to me guiding me through this blog.
I started the Belly Fat Cure program on October 26th, and have lost 2 inches so far. I'm also feeling less pain in the knees. The best news for me however is that my blood pressure seems to have improved. I hadn't taken it for a while, and had a great reading of 121/72 today.
I attribute this to having cut on the quantity of sugar I was eating, and am amazed at how this must have affected my health.
Bye for now.
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